How to switch from PostalMate

  1. Open PostalMate and click Tools 

  2. Click Sales and Marketing Tool 

  3. Click Mailbox Customers 

  4. Click Status 

  5. Click Show All 

  6. Click Check All 

  7. Download the file

  8. Email the file to along with the name of your store, your store’s email, and we’ll set up your new account for you (for free, of course).

How to get started:

Step 1. Create a Bullship account

  1. Go to and click Login

  2. Click Create an account

  3. Add an email and password

  4. Click Sign Up

  5. Click Store Setup

  6. Click Edit Store Profile

  7. Insert in your business info

  8. Click Save Changes

  9. Give yourself a little high-five, you’re doing great.

Step 2. Add Your Mailboxes

Before we can add your mailbox customers, we first need to add your mailboxes.

Go to and click Login

Option 1: Add your mailboxes one-by-one (best if you’re just starting out) 

  1. Click Mailboxes

  2. Click + Add Mailbox

  3. Insert mailbox number

  4. Select mailbox size (to create custom size options, use Option 2)

  5. Add monthly rate

  6. Click Add Mailbox

  7. Repeat

Option 2: Add mailboxes in bulk (best if you have a lot of customers)

  1. If you use Google, click this Mailbox Template Google Sheets Link, click File, click Make a Copy, then fill out the info for as many mailboxes as you’d like to offer. Once finished, skip to #5.

  2. If you don’t use Google, all good, click Store Setup

  3. Click Download Mailbox Template

  4. Fill it out with as many mailboxes as you’d like to offer

  5. Go to Store Setup and click Upload Mailbox Template. Once the file is uploaded, we will add the mailboxes to your account for you.

If you get stuck at any point, please send us an email anytime. We’re happy to help and will do it all for you if you’d like :)

Step 3. Add Your Customers

Have your account and mailboxes ready?

Love that. Time to add your mailbox customers.

Go to and click Login

Option 1: Add your customers one-by-one (best if you’re just starting out) 

  1. Click Mailbox Customers

  2. Click Add Mailbox Customer

  3. Insert their info

  4. Click Add Customer

  5. Repeat

Option 2: Add customers in bulk (best if you have a lot of customers)

Reminder: If you’re switching over from PostalMate, please see the first video at the top of the page to save some time!

  1. If you use Google, click this Customer Template Google Sheets Link, click File, click Make a Copy, then fill out as much info as you can. Once finished, skip to #5.

  2. If you don’t use Google, all good, click Store Setup

  3. Click Download Mailbox Customer Template

  4. Fill it out with as much info as you can

  5. Go to Store Setup and click Upload Mailbox Customer Template. Once the file is uploaded, we’ll add each customer to your account for you.

If you get stuck at any point, please send us an email anytime. We’re happy to help and will even do it all for you if you’d like :)

How to Add/Release Packages

  1. Click Accept Packages

  2. Select Customer (type primary name or box number)

  3. Use scanner or type in the package tracking number

  4. Select Carrier

  5. Click Accept

  6. Click Print ID Label (optional)

  7. Click Print Mailbox Label (optional)

  8. Click Done

  9. Repeat

How to set up customer payments via Stripe

(👋🏽 Reminder: We can do this for you if you’d like, just hit us up 😊)

  1. Open Bullship and click Settings

  2. Click Integrations

  3. Click Connect Stripe

    • If you have a Stripe account already, just simply login

    • If you don’t, follow the steps to make one (this will take a few minutes but this is how you get paid so take your time)

  4. Create your pricing plans

    • Click Stripe Settings

    • Click Add New Product

    • Add name, price, and brief description

    • Select Frequency

    • Click Add Product when done

    • Repeat process for each pricing plan you’d like to offer (ex: small box monthly plan, small box yearly plan, small box one-time payment, medium box monthly plan, etc.)

  5. Select pricing plan for each customer

    • Click Mailbox Customers

    • Select a customer

    • Click Subscription

    • Select a product

    • Click Create subscription in Stripe

    • Insert their payment info

    • Repeat

How to set up shipping labels via Shippo

(We can set this up for you too if you’d like, just let us know! 😊)

Bullship + Shippo = Shipping Labels

Let’s begin…

Create your Shippo account:

  1. Go to and click Get Started

  2. Type in your info

  3. Select API

  4. Under Account, click Billing and add a payment method

Create your API Token:

  1. Under API Activity, click Overview then API Tokens

  2. Click Request Live Key

  3. Add your info and within 24 hours you’ll receive an approval email from Shippo

  4. Once received, log back in to

  5. Click Login then Shipping App

  6. Once logged in, click the Settings Icon

  7. At the bottom click API

  8. Click Generate Token

  9. Your secret token will pop up, copy it

Drop your token into Bullship

  1. Go back to Bullship

  2. Click Settings then Integrations

  3. Paste it in the Shippo Developer Live Key box and click Save

Refresh the page and you are now connected to Shippo and able to generate shipping labels 🙌🏼.

To adjust your margins, click Shippo Settings.

To get deep in your shipping preferences, label settings, and preferred carriers, this will all be done in your new Shippo account.

Still got questions?



Sweet ideas?

Found a bug?

Please email us anytime (seriously), always happy to help and make this thing better! 😊

Want help getting started?